Home>Company News>2024>transcosmos announces the results of Global Online Shopping Survey in 8 Cities 2024

transcosmos announces the results of Global Online Shopping Survey in 8 Cities 2024


Not only Gen Z consumes for “Oshikatsu(*1)”! In Jakarta and Mumbai, all generations enjoy supporting their fave

transcosmos inc. (Representative Director, Co-presidents: Masaaki Muta, Takeshi Kamiya) conducted its proprietary Global Online Shopping Survey in 8 Cities 2024. This year’s survey focused on differences in behavior and awareness when using online shopping site usage by Generation X, Y, and Z, and also covered “Cross Border E-Commerce” (Cross Border EC).

(*1)Oshikatsu is a Japanese slang mainly used for an enthusiastic support for idols or characters to whom one has a feeling of devotion.

Visit here for Global Online Shopping Survey in 8 Cities 2024 full report (no translation available):


The survey revealed that generational differences affect certain types of online shopping behavior and attitudes, such as willingness to buy merchandise of their fave (Oshikatsu). On the other hand, the survey also found that differences in cities have a significant impact on consumer behavior. For example, in Jakarta and Mumbai, consumers across all generations showed a strong appetite in purchasing merchandise to support their fave. When it comes to the use of cross border e-commerce, Japan was one of the popular shopping destinations, particularly in Bangkok and Jakarta, boosted by media advertising.

■Survey Overview

Method:Global online research panel,   multilingual questionnaire (respective local language options available)
Regions:Tokyo (Japan), Shanghai (China), Seoul (South Korea), Mumbai   (India), Bangkok (Thailand), Jakarta (Indonesia), New York (US), London (UK)
Respondents:Men and women aged between the ages of 11 and 58 years old   that have used online shopping (made a purchase) in the past 12 months
Samples:300 x 8 cities = Total 2,400
Period:February 15 to 25, 2024
Research   agency:Cross Marketing, Inc.

■Key findings
1. Significant difference between Gen Z and X in Oshikatsu activity, while all generational in Jakarta and Mumbai actively buy merchandise of their fave
●The survey compared the differences in online shopping behaviors and attitudes among Gen X (born between 1965 and 1980), Gen Y (born between 1996 and 1981) and Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012). The following behavioral patterns were common among all generations; 1) check reviews before purchasing; 2) place value on genuine products; 3) refer to review websites; 4) prefer to use virtual functions for trying on clothing or placing items using smartphones; and 5) prefer to shop from the same website.

●A significant difference was seen between Gen Z and X in their willingness to “buy goods of my favorite idol or character,” which ranked 6th among Gen Z, while remaining low at 18th for Gen X. When comparing by city, Gen Z tends to have the highest interest overall, with the exception of Jakarta and Mumbai showing Gen Y with the highest rate. In these two cities, Gen Z also showed a high interest, indicating that the purchase of favorite idol/character goods has become a popular trend among all generations.

2. Jakarta and Bangkok have high use of Japanese online shopping sites, triggered by media coverage
●Over 70% of respondents in Bangkok, Mumbai and Jakarta said they have used a cross border e-commerce site. Among all cities, the rate of use of Japanese shopping sites was particularly high in Bangkok (34%), followed by Jakarta (31%)
●In all seven cities, the most common reason given for using Japanese shopping sites was that they wanted to buy a “product/brand that is not available in my country”. In Shanghai, Bangkok and Mumbai, many said they have used Japanese shopping sites because they wanted to purchase items that were “introduced as a good product on social media and blogs” and “featured in the media as a popular product abroad.”

“Although the age categories of Gen X, Y and Z differ slightly among countries and regions, they are based on the common global understanding that differences in the digital environment at each life-stage are reflected in purchasing behavior and consumer attitudes. “Our study revealed that cities have a significant influence over consumer purchasing decisions, and in many cases, even more than generational differences. This means, when selling abroad and via live-streaming commerce, businesses are required to understand the uniqueness of each city before responding to the differences between generations.” commented Masashi Hagihara, an analyst at transcosmos Global Business Headquarters.

    * transcosmos is a trademark or registered trademark of transcosmos inc. in Japan and other countries.
    * Other company names and product or service names used here are trademarks or registered trademarks of respective companies.

    About transcosmos inc.

    transcosmos launched its operations in 1966. Since then, we have combined superior “people” with up-to-date “technology” to enhance the competitive strength of our clients by providing them with superior and valuable services. transcosmos currently offers services that support clients’ business processes focusing on both sales expansion and cost optimization through our 182 bases across 35 countries/regions with a focus on Asia, while continuously pursuing Operational Excellence. Furthermore, following the expansion of e-commerce market on the global scale, transcosmos provides a comprehensive One-Stop Global E-Commerce Services to deliver our clients’ excellent products and services to consumers in 46 countries/regions around the globe. transcosmos aims to be the “Global Digital Transformation Partner” of our clients, supporting the clients’ transformation by leveraging digital technology, responding to the ever-changing business environment.

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