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transcosmos Worldview of GLMVV

As a globally renowned BPO service provider, transcosmos entered the Chinese market in 1995 to provide offshore services. In 2006, it set up its first customer contact center in Shanghai to provide customer contact center services for enterprises in the Chinese market. With the continuous development of business in China, transcosmos not only has customer contact centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Hefei, Changsha, Xi'an, Wuhan, NeijiangZhengzhou and Dongguan, but also has offshore centers in Suzhou and Dalian, as well as  branches in Taiwan. Through its 32 branches in 23 cities in China, transcosmos can provide contact center(video), one-stop e-commerce(videocustomer experiencedigital marketing, and other extensive BPO outsourcing services for enterprises, and has rich practical experiences in household electric appliance, financial insurance, retail, automobile, medical health, Internet, mother and baby, fashion, beauty, home furnishing and other industries.

Since its founding in 1966, transcosmos has been committed to combining the best "people" and the latest "technology" capabilities to provide high-quality and high-value services to help corporate clients strengthen their competitiveness. With 181 locations in 35 countries and 69,764 employees, transcosmos has successfully helped many of the world's Fortune 500 companies optimise their business processes and increase sales, while reducing costs and improving consumer satisfaction.


transcosmos China

Company Name

上海特思尔大宇宙商务咨询有限公司 (in Chinese)
 Shanghai transcosmos Marketing Service Co., Ltd.   
 (abbreviated as "transcosmos China")

CEOEijiro Yamashita


Room 902, IM Shanghai T1,

No, 1388, Kaixuan Road,

Changning District, Shanghai 200052, China



Date of Establishment

April 2006


Operation Centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Hefei, Changsha, Xi'an, Wuhan, NeijiangZhengzhou,DongGuan

Dongguan Branch, Taipei Branch, Hong Kong Office

Service Language

Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese and Amoy), English, Japanese, Korean etc.

Service ChannelTelephone, Online Chat, AI bot, SNS, SMS, Email, EC Platform etc.

Service Time


transcosmos inc.

Company Name

トランスコスモス株式会社 (transcosmos inc.)


Masaaki Muta   (Representative Director, Co-president)
Takeshi Kamiya (Representative Director, Co-president)


Toshima, Tokyo



Date of Establishment

June 1985

Number of Employees

>69,764 (as of March 2024)

Service Center

181 Locations across 35 Countries

Revenue in FY2023

362.2 Billion JPY


Group Companies in China

transcosmos Information Creative (China) Co., Ltd.



transcosmos business service outsourcing Suzhou   Co., Ltd.



transcosmos Taiwan Inc.
