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Service Network

Global Service Network

transcosmos Inc.headquartered in Tokyo, has 181 services centers and offices across 35 Countries worldwide.

Locations in China

transcosmos has rapidly expanded its operations since entering China in 1995, and currently has 32 offices in 23 cities in China. It provides e-commerce one-stop services including contact centres, digital marketing services, customer experience and other services for client companies in Japan and overseas, supporting cost reduction and sales expansion for client companies.

Shanghai transcosmos Marketing Service Co., Ltd. (transcosmos China)

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of transcosmos inc., transcosmos China has operation centres in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Hefei, Changsha, Xi'an, Wuhan, NeijiangZhengzhou and Dongguan, as well as branch offices in Taiwan. transcosmos China specialises in providing companies with customer contact centre, one-stop e-commerce, digital integrated marketing, value-added customer experience and a wide variety of other BPO services, and has rich practical experience and keen insights into industries such as the Internet, 3C products, IT manufacturing, finance, baby care, apparel, cosmetics, retail, auto, and telecom.

China Headquarter 

Address: Room 902, IM Shanghai T1, No, 1388, Kaixuan Road, Changning District, Shanghai 200052, China

Reception Desk: 021-52564600

Business Hotline: 021-52564608

