Home>Company News>2020>transcosmos fully launches a customer journey diagnostic service “CX-RAY™,” holds webinars in July

transcosmos fully launches a customer journey diagnostic service “CX-RAY™,” holds webinars in July


Delivers customer success by tracking every customer flow within each multi-channel customer experience based on data

transcosmos inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President & COO: Masataka Okuda) is pleased to announce that the company will fully release “CX-RAY™,” a service that diagnoses a multi-channel customer journey in July, 2020. Building on the company’s largest call center business in Japan, and its marketing business platform and expertise, “CX-RAY™” visualizes a complicated, entire customer journey that goes beyond a single channel. By tracking the changes in customer behavior and sentiment from a bird’s-eye view based on customer data, the service helps clients create and deliver better customer experience than ever before. Ultimately, the service leads clients to achieve “customer success.” transcosmos aims to empower 40 clients with the service by the end of 2020 fiscal year.

Analytics service that diagnoses processes to be improved and issues to be solved by shedding a RAY of light on complicated Customer Experience (CX)

■ A CX tracking solution that overlooks the entire customer flow. Why is it so important?

As communication channels continue to diversify along with the rapid digital shift in recent years, customers today expect businesses to deliver a seamless customer experience. In addition, against the backdrop of the penetration of a subscription business model, businesses must proactively solve expected challenges and needs of customers through active communication with them with a focus on “customer success.”

Yet in reality, despite that many companies can perform KPI analysis and reporting per channel, fully analyzing customer flows that go across multiple channels such as “browse a product on the website, make an inquiry via chat, and finally make a call for consultation” remains a challenge. Still, a solution that can track the number of types of customer flow, customer traffic volume per channel per day, and when and how their behavior changes along their journey is vital to achieve customer success by delivering and improving customer experience.

One of the approaches for grasping a multi-channel customer flow is customer journey mapping, yet it is only an arbitrary hypothesis or guesswork from a company’s perspective, not proven by tracking customer experience scientifically based on real data. Another approach is to trace the behavioral history of each individual customer, but it takes a huge amount of time and effort for processing and aggregating data. And worse, these approaches cannot overlook the entire customer flow, measure traffic volume, and grasp the changes in buyer psychology and satisfaction.

■ About customer journey diagnostic service “CX-RAY™”

The customer journey diagnostic service “CX-RAY™” visualizes the entire, real customer journey across multiple channels
based on data by leveraging DMP and process mining technology

By tracking the change in customer attitude during the journey and the traffic volume per flow per day, the service detects the challenge and needs of customers. These findings let clients have an active discussion to deliver and improve their seamless customer experience, thereby helping them achieve customer success.

More specifically, the service assists clients in visualizing the most effective golden route among various multi-channel customer flow patterns that lead to a new application and repeat purchases, and detecting flaws in FAQs and chatbot scenarios.

Golden Route diagnose output (for illustration purposes only)

“CX-RAY™”comes with 3 major menus; ① “CX Checker,”a single course diagnostic service intended to solve a channel specific challenge, ②“CX Checkup,” a comprehensive diagnostic consulting service that diagnoses multiple challenges at once, and ③“CX Monitor,” a regular checkup dashboard that monitors subjects that the results of ① and ② called for attention periodically or continually.

* NPS® is a registered trademark of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

■ Webinar information (online seminar)
Commemorating the full-scale launch of “CX-RAY™,” transcosmos will run a two-day Zoom webinar on Tuesday, July 21 and on Wednesday, July 29, 2020. During the seminar, transcosmos will introduce details of the service and present case studies together with a demonstration of “Celonis IBC,” a process mining tool.

Day 1 7/21 (Tue) 16:00~ “FAQ improvement by process mining~Visualize web views per visit plus case study on reducing inquiries”
Day 2 7/29 (Wed) 16:00~ “Customer journey diagnostic by process mining~a multi-channel customer experience tracking solution”

*Register here (Japanese only): https://www.trans-cosmos.co.jp/seminar/dm_200721_0729.html

Here is the comment received from Mr. Aihara at Epson Direct Corporation, who collaborated with transcosmos in the “CX-RAY™” trial phase. “It has been a challenge for Epson Direct to grasp the entire view of our customer journey that goes across multiple channels such as our website and call centers. Thanks to this data-based diagnostic service, we successfully visualized and quantified our customer flows, thereby developing initiatives for improvement based on the data. We will use the achievements from the trial for our CRM strategy. Thank you.”

transcosmos continues to help businesses develop multi-channel communication strategies and improve their operational processes.

* transcosmos is a trademark or registered trademark of transcosmos inc. In Japan and other countries. 

* Other company names and product or services names used here are trademarks or registered trademarks of respective companies. 

About transcosmos inc.

 transcosmos launched its operations in 1966. Since then, we have combined superior “people” with up-to-date “technology” to enhance the competitive strength of our clients by providing them with superior and valuable services. transcosmos currently offers services that support clients’ business processes focusing on both sales expansion and cost optimization through our 169 bases across 30 countries/regions with a focus on Asia, while continuously pursuing Operational Excellence. Furthermore, following the expansion of e-commerce market on the global scale, transcosmos provides a comprehensive One-Stop Global E-Commerce services to deliver our clients’ excellent products and services in 48 countries/regions around the globe. transcosmos aims to be the “Global Digital Transformation Partner” of our clients, supporting the clients’ transformation by leveraging digital technology, responding to the ever-changing business environment. 

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