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Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals


Sustainability as a global company

As a global company supporting social infrastructure, 

transcosmos is reinforcing its business platform to achieve its 

vision through business and corporate activities.

Fundamental Sustainability Policy

Guided by our fundamental management philosophy that client satisfaction is the true value of our company and that the growth of each of our employees creates the value that shapes our future, we at transcosmos strive to contribute to the achievement of SDGs through responsible corporate activities and businesses that hinge on people and technology.



The UN Sustainable Development Goals, abbreviated SDGs, are 17 global development goals and 169 sub-goals set by the UN to continue to guide global development efforts for 2015-2030 beyond the expiration of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) from 2000-2015.

Aiming to create wellbeing by harnessing people – human capital – and technology – DX – 

to solve challenges in achieving the SDGs

  Finding Solutions to Social Issues through Our Business Activities


Offering services

We have been offering quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient services including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development of our clients.



Opening operations bases

We have been opening our operations bases both in Japan and abroad to protect labor rights, and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including women and those in precarious employment.

 Finding Solutions to Social Issues through Our Corporate Activities


We have been striving to foster workplaces where everyone working in our company can fully unleash their sensitivity and creativity. To that end, we have always respected human rights, promoted diversity and a healthy work-life balance, and provided our employees with various personal development programs.




We have been constantly enhancing our business foundations, that are crucial for making our operations sustainable, such as corporate governance, risk management, compliance, and information security.




We have developed and implemented an environmental management system that complies with the international standard for environment systems I“SO14001.” Also, by providing services that lead to the enhancement of operational efficiency and manpower optimization, and environmentally-friendly services, we have been contributing to our clients and society in reducing environmental impacts. Internally, we have also been engaging in a variety of environmental protection and conservation initiatives, including the promotion of energy and resource conservation.

We have declared our support for the Task Force on the Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and its recommendations to join global forces to tackle climate change. Currently, we are making necessary preparations to make TCFD-aligned disclosures whilst driving initiatives to contribute to society in solving climate-related challenges through our business activities.




Building on our Group’s technologies, services and experience, we have been promoting community initiatives focusing primarily on making vibrant local communities, developing future generations who will be taking on the responsibility of sustainable society, and promoting learning and education.

transcosmos China's contribution to the SDGs
Disability Employment Support

In 2017, transcosmos China launched the Spring Wind Program to support the employment of people with disabilities, providing a platform for their employment and development and demonstrating the company's social commitment.

The program provides work experience activities for people with disabilities to familiarize them with the company's working environment and working conditions, thus supporting them in their employment.

Held a Charity Sale
Participated in local volunteer activities

Spreading positive energy with love from the office building to the community.

A Christmas Charity Sale was held in December 2019, raising a total of RMB 2,551 to support families and children in need on Nanjing West Road.

In January 2022, 13 volunteers participated in a community service activity oragnized in Jing'an District, Shanghai.

At the beginning of the year 2023, transcosmos China  held a charity event in Shanghai offices to raise funds to donate daily necessities for the elderly in local community.

CSR Activity - "Caring for Children"


More than 100 employees of transcosmos China took part in the activitiy, accompaning 35 families with special needs children on a tour of the Shanghai Zoo. 

By warmly interacting with the children, we are able to help them experience a colorful world.