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Corporate Vision

Our Management Philosophy
Basic Management Philosophy

Client satisfaction is the true value of our company, and the growth of each of our employees creates the value that shapes our future.

Our Management Goals

Commitment to our clients

We will keep abreast of the latest technology trends, and continually provide high value services and quality by creatively bringing together people and leading-edge technology.

We will build solid partnerships with our clients based on trust.

Commitment to our employees

  • The limitless potential of our employees is our greatest resource and we will support the education and training needed for each employee’s growth.
  • We will provide opportunities fairly, and will match compensation and new growth opportunities to demonstrated results and ability.

Commitment to society and our shareholders

  • We strive to raise shareholder value and contribute to the progress of society by growing our business.

Corporate Vision
The Enterprise Starting Point

The fundamental concept of transcosmos’s business lies in uniting people and technology to offer high-valued services.
“People” refers to the highly specialized human resources who can offer fine-tuned services, and “Technology”, pertains to up-to-date technology in the world that can be an asset to our customers. By combining “People and Technology”, transcosmos continues to polish the origin of our establishment of creating the most optimal business process.

Service Model

In order to secure excellence in our business operations, transcosmos responds to diverse global markets and selects the optimal “People and Technology” for each market.

With our operation capabilities to realize speed, cost, and accuracy, our clients’ business process become highly competitive, thus achieving a state of what we call “Operational Excellence.”

As a BPO vendor that promotes innovations, transcosmos optimizes our clients’ business process and aim at this “Operational Excellence” as a philosophy for our service.

Corporate Message

As digital technology continues to evolve, consumer touchpoints with businesses have diversified and consumer influence on businesses has become more powerful than ever before. At the same time, industrial borders have become vague as new players, focusing on the cutting-edge technology, continue to emerge. Now, in order to adopt to the changing business environment and to support our clients’ transformation, transcosmos provides two new suites of services, tapping into the digital technology.

First is the services that support improving customer experience by removing the barrier between marketing, sales and support to centralize diversified consumer touchpoints. Integrating our long-standing, proven know-how on consumer communication and digital technology with our global service network, transcosmos aims to become the one and only partner who can work with the clients to drive their initiatives to improve customer loyalty as well as to expand their sales and profits.

Second is the services that support digitalization of clients’ internal business processes to respond to digitalized market and consumers. Leveraging the digital technology-based automation and the digital platform, transcosmos develops a simple business process together with the clients and supports its operation.

transcosmos continues to support clients’ transformation by seamlessly connecting those two suites of services. As one transcosmos, we endeavor to become the trustful Global Digital Transformation Partner for all our clients.